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Saturday, February 27, 2010

So this is how crazy my dog is. A month or so ago I let her outside around midnight like always. We have a fenced in back yard so that's really nice. So I'm still in a fog from waking up. As I open the door she bolts out barking like she is about to attack something. This is normal so I didn't think anything of it. I go lay on the couch until she scratches on the door to come in. Instead of scratching, I smell the stink from a skunk. OH MY GOODNESS it was so strong! As I let her in the smell got worse! I realized that she got sprayed! UGH! This has never happened to me before. I took her straight upstairs and yelled at my husband to get up and help me give her a bath. That didn't help. That night I slept in the spare bedroom while Nani slept with Nick. The next day I could taste the horrible smell. GROSS! So I went online to look for something that would get it out. I found a concoction. It is- 1 liter (or quart) 3% hydrogen peroxide (peroxide may cause bleaching) 1/4 c. Baking soda. 1 tsp. dish detergent (I use dawn soap).
I gave her 4-5 baths. It worked pretty well. It didn't come out completely but it was bearable. So here we are and my house is back to normal and the smell is gone.
Last night....I'm talking on the phone and start smelling skunk again. Yes, Nani is outside. I get off the phone, open the door, and yell at Nani to get her butt inside. I was so mad. I didn't say anything to her. I started mixing the peroxide mixture and walked upstairs. Nani was ahead of me, and the next thing I know she ran into the bathroom and jumped into the bathtub! HA HA! She knew what to do! After all that, I found out that she didn't get sprayed! YAY! The skunk must of sprayed right outside our house because the house smelled horrible. Thank goodness she didn't get sprayed. Whew! She still goes rushing outside like shes going to attack something. Don't know how to stop her from doing that.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

So here is my first blog. First off, my name is Tessie. I'm married to Nick for 7 1/2 years. We have a 4 legged baby girl named Nani. She is (we think), boxer hound mix....so we've been told. She is sweet, protective, and spoiled. I honestly think that she thinks she is a human. I know that is my fault. I haven't trained her well. Before Nani we had a bearded collie chow mix. Now he was my baby boy. Moki. The perfect dog. Well not perfect but close to it. :) Let me just tell you how it all began.
Nick and I married on Sept. 7, 2002. He proposed when he graduated boot camp in Great Lakes, Illinois. That was the start of our marriage together and to the Navy. Oh boy. We moved to Groton, CT. for our first duty station. We lived there for 3 years. Thats when we got Moki. We went home to SC to visit family. While there I wanted a dog for valentines. So I went to the humane society in Anderson, SC and picked up my Mokiboy. We traveled back to CT with our new little baby. Nick had just became part of the USS Jimmy Carter during this time. It was "new" and being built. At this stage it's called "precomm". So, there were alot of times that they would go out to sea and test the boat. What a roller coaster ride this was for the families on the JC. The beginning of our marriage was rough with him being gone alot of the time. During my time without Nick I had my Mokiboy. He was my best friend and companion. I just wanted to make sure I put that out there. He was there for me while I was away from my family and Nick was away from me. We did everything together.
Now, lets fast forward....
From CT we moved to WA state. Loved that state. I loved going to Seattle to visit my good friend, Mina. From WA we moved to SC 3 hrs from our families. Nick became a recruiter. Not the job that we expected. We did however get into a really good church (which we really needed), and met alot of good christain young couples, and made some really good friends. We bought our first home thinking we were going to be there for 5 plus years. That was a very exciting time for us. 4 days after we moved into our new home my Mokiboy got hit by a car. My sister Tara saw it happen. Not going to go into that night, but it was the most devastating time that I went through. If you can't tell by now from reading this, I miss him soooo much. A couple weeks later we went to the humane society there and found a cute little calm puppy. We fell in love with her. We took her home and life wasn't the same since. I won't elaborate about Nani here but if you continue reading any blogs I post, you'll see what I mean. From SC we moved back to CT, and that is where we are now. Never saw this coming! So here we are. Back in CT. We are in a really good church and have met more amazing couples. If you didn't truly know Nick and I, then you'd think that we had a pretty good life. Don't get me wrong. Nick and I have nothing to complain about. We both have good health, great families, great friends, wonderful church, and most of all we have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior. Now that is the best of all!!! We have struggles and are going through things that we just don't understand but we know that God is in control of our lives and everything we're going through is for a purpose. I invite you to continue to read our blogs about our life, through our ups and downs. Maybe you'll get something out of our blog or you could be a help to us. I'm looking forward to writing and recieving comments. :) Enjoy!